Thursday, December 13, 2012

About 4 years ago I wrote this document- as I reflect on it.. I see that it may be better entitled

 " Worthwhile goals for my life"                in it's unedited version......  

My vision for my girls….  – What I pray that God will bring to them in their husband. [and what my boys will be for their wives!] 
First draft- Nov  5, 2008

  1. I desire that first and foremost that they marry men who will be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. That there life would be centered on knowing Jesus and making him known to others. That they would see their life as a gift to be lived for the glory of God- to use their talents and abilities to serve others.
  2. They will be church- men.  They will not give into the popular North American cultural understanding of  Jesus and Me- and church as optional. But rather will follow the biblical view of the Christian life as lived in community with others in  a body/ house/ family/ temple and will give themselves to a local expression of Christ’s church.
  3. That their main spiritual orientation would be one of grace and forgiveness. That they would know the riches of  God’s grace in their own soul and give it to others around them (family!)
  4. That they would honor and love family.  Their own parents and siblings, Karen and I and our family,  but most of all that they would put their wife and children above their other earthly relationships.  That they would “leave father and mother and cleave to their wife- and become one flesh”
  5. That they would be men of integrity.  That they would keep their promises. They would realize that their word is all that they have and will keep it at great personal cost to themselves.
  6. That they would be men who will care for their wife and children and lead them with a servant spirit.  Not men without chests- but men who will lead by the force of their character and Godly example. They will be willing to put others ahead of themselves with a servant heart.
  7. They will be men who will work.  They will not be afraid to get their hands dirty or do any kind of work that serves another- no matter how menial or culturally unacceptable it may be deemed.  They will not give into a spirit of laziness or sloth. This applies to all their vocations-  home, family, church, and job.
  8. They would be men who exhibit a spirit of joy.  The basic tenor of their spirit will be hopeful and positive – rather than discouraging and despairing.
  9. That they would be men of humble spirit.  That they would be quick to acknowledge their wrongdoing, and slow to point out the failings of others. That they would not be threatened by being found out that they were wrong- but see it as a chance to experience grace once again.  They would exhibit a life long love of learning and assume a posture of humble learning through out their life.
  10. That they would be men who has a sense of humor and can lighten the load of others with life giving humor.

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