Thursday, June 13, 2013

A good dad....

It is in our nature to compare things.  We want the most value for our dollar, so we buy the big jug of bbq sauce, or the large pail of ice cream.  We look at batting averages and shooting percentages and make evaluations on the value of athletes to our fantasy sports teams.  We keep track of the gas mileage our car gets and then share it at our next family reunion to brag /complain.
             When we say someone is a ‘good dad’, we are using some sort of measuring stick.  Often we use the behavior of kids- but this is problematic as children are free moral beings and can reject the ways of their parents- many godly parents could attest to this painful reality.  Good dads can end up with little stinkers that become big stinkers.
            A good dad is one who leads his family in walking in the ways of God.  He follows God’s word, listening and obeying.  He leads his family in bending their heart to the Lord, repenting of their sins both to the Lord and to one another. He accurately portrays what God the father is like by his own character and life.  He makes it hard for his wife and kids to walk away from Jesus, who calls them all to follow him.   He is one who carries a deep sense of amazement at the fact that God has rescued him and sees his whole life lived as thankfulness to that reality.
             May God make me that kind of dad.  May God fill his church with these kind of men.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Singing, Mr Rogers, and God


  I know that some of you will think this is crazy talk- but humor me.  Our family recently took home a few of the old hymn books that Bethel is giving away and have used them a few times at our home to sing some songs after supper for our family devotions.  No piano, or guitar, or even an autoharp, just our voices singing the great songs of the faith.  I took the opportunity to tell my family story about the song “Great is thy Faithfulness” which they had not heard before (my step mom  Ruth made a recording with that song on it and was played at her funeral 23years ago).  I think they will think about that song differently now.

            Now we are not great singers (I tend to change keys randomly)  so we are not putting together a van and going on tour.  But I think God is pleased with our singing. He does tell us to sing over 100 times in the bible. God does. It’s a command.  But feel free not to.  Right?  His commands are optional. ( the last 3 sentences were sarcasm =)… )
            I know some of you don’t like to sing– someone, sometime, told you  that you sound like a seal- and you have clammed up.  Let God’s invitation to make a joyful noise free you from thinking it is some sort of chorale competition and let ‘er rip with the voice you have. God will smile-  and your soul needs to sing. 

A friend shared this remix of Mr Rogers talking about singing-  I don't agree with his man centered view of truth- but their are nuggets of truth in here. Enjoy!