I write a short piece for the bulletin at my home church- Bethel Lutheran, this is what will appear this coming Sunday....
I love the movie “Chariots of Fire”. The
story of Eric Liddell’s 1924’s Olympic experience grabs at your heart and
doesn’t let go. Eric Liddell is to run
the 100 meter sprint but refuses to participate in his heat due to the race
occurring on Sunday, which he felt was a breaking of the Sabbath. He withdrew from the race. He went to worship that day and preached on
Isaiah 40 “they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength”.
We may
dismiss this story as a quaint testimony from a by-gone time. Please don’t.
Every generation, every family, needs to come to terms with these
questions. Whose drum beat are we
marching to? Who is leading this
family? If our government tells us how
to worship will we obey? If our friends
make it uncomfortable for us will we continue to follow Jesus? If our traveling team takes us away from
corporate worship will we forgo gathering with our church family?
I cannot
answer for you or your family. I know
that drift and apathy are natural to our soul.
We feel its pull, much like the constant current in a river that looks
smooth, we can easily find ourselves pulled along by unseen forces. Play the “what if” game. Propose scenarios to your family and ask them
what they will do and why. Point one another
to a gospel based response. “God, who rescued us, calls us to follow him- how
do we live in line with His call?”