I went to the opening rally for the 40 Days for Life Campaign (click here for more info) last Wed in downtown Fargo at the Red River Womens Clinic. I have been involved in this cause the last 3 years. The topic of abortion is one of those that is difficult to speak of publicly. I have been more courageous in speaking and acting about this in the last few years because of hearing the stories of 5 women who have had an abortion themselves. These 5 women, who call themselves PALS ( Post Abortive Ladies Click here for more info) speak about the deception and lies that lead them to the life ending decision to take the life of their child. They also spoke of the journey of self hatred and guilt that this decision led them down. They also testified of the grace and mercy of Jesus that they have embraced, and been embraced by. It is an amazingly powerful thing to hear.
This last Wed morning about 100 people gathered to pray and sing and listen to pastors speak about the importance of changing hearts and speaking for those who cannot. A pro- choice protester had a sign that read "All Christians are not like this" trying to paint pro- life people as being bigoted, hateful towards women, etc. So often that is how the conversation gets framed. If you are for protecting unborn life you are against the woman who carries the child. How unfortunate. As I heard these 5 women speak about the shame and guilt they carried for years as a result of their abortion, it causes me to want to speak up, for the baby and the mother.... and the dad.... and society...
Jesus said to love our neighbor, the woman with an unplanned pregnancy needs our love and support and help. The baby she carries needs our love and support and help. They are both precious to our Father and to us. Satan is the father of lies. I know I am meeting people every week who carry the burden of an abortion. I long for them to be free. That they would know that Jesus is for them and that the price for their transgression is covered by Jesus life and death.
We are people of the cross. We call a thing what it is. Sin hurts, it kills us, we kill one another. We are far from the garden that God originally placed us in. We need life, we need forgiveness, we need mercy. The cross is our only hope. Both those who speak for life in front of the clinic, and those who advocate for the choice of death need the life giving grace of Jesus. "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."
So we speak for those who cannot. Justice requires it. These children who are put to death with their mothers consent should have someone speaking for them. But we do so knowing that we deserve to die but do not simply because we have been embraced by the Savior who saves and gives life to dead people like me.